Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day Thirty-Eight

Today is Day Thirty-Eight

RE: In Clipper country, Brand's departure is business as usual

"replacing an all-star is always tough, but a big man of Brand's caliber? yikes"



Anonymous said...

Now I'm going to be walking around all day saying "yikes!" -- thanks for putting that in my head...

Did you see the featured comment from the girlfriend of the guy Tony Gonzalez 'saved?' What a pile of crap. Maybe it's time to start pretending you know the people featured in the articles!

camcam said...

I know, that's like the third instance I've seen of that. Maybe I should've said I was Brand's brother or something.

Gellman said...

I think this one was just right, hopefully you make it...oh wait.

camcam said...

It's a numbers game...There are about a million mouthbreathers out there seriously commenting on that you have to wade through. Frustrating? Yes. But if it wasn't for them, where would my inspiration come from?